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Live chat can be quite helpful when visitors cannot find all the information they need.
Looking for a way to engage with visitors to your online store? Use "Live Chat." The web application designed for live chat is available in the form of a popup window positioned at the bottom right corner of the browser. Live chat allows real-time exchange of text messages between visitors and the support department of the online store. More advanced versions may also include video chat, audio communication, and more. There are even chatbots that can answer the most common questions on your website. With the current functionalities, chatbots can partially replace the support department, but there are still cases where human interaction is necessary due to the limitations of chatbots.
The software system is typically implemented in the embedded code on the website, most commonly using JavaScript. Therefore, integrating a live chat system is usually quick and easy. The system itself usually consists of a text field and a control panel that allows the support team to respond to chats, send additional messages, and control the support system.
There are two types of live chat:
Proactive chat, which includes the automatic appearance of a chat window with your notifications every time someone visits the site, and the visitor can choose to respond;
Inbound chat, where visitors to the website initiate the conversation themselves.
Additional Information about the Store's Offer
In real-time, visitors to your online store may not always find all the necessary information about the products, leading them to quickly give up on their purchase and leave your website. This is where live chat can be extremely helpful, as it can increase sales by providing immediate assistance and guidance to visitors with additional questions.
Live chat is a competitive advantage since most retail online stores either don't know about it or don't use it. You can gain a significant edge by connecting with visitors to your website who are interested in making a purchase. If they are satisfied with your responsiveness and the quality of your answers, they are more likely to make a purchase from you. They may even become loyal customers.
An Affordable and Effective Support Channel
Live chat can significantly reduce the operating costs of an online store, as it saves time and the number of employees required. Employees can handle multiple chats at once.
Moreover, live chat is a convenient application for visitors to your online store, as it provides them with immediate assistance and reduces the waiting time typically associated with phone-based customer support. During a chat, visitors can simultaneously browse your other offerings and make additional purchases.
In cases where a customer contacts you outside of your working hours, they can still leave a message through live chat, to which you can respond as soon as possible. In this case, you should appropriately set expectations regarding response times so that visitors are aware of the longer response time due to your absence.
All of this can help with additional promotion of your company and information about its offerings or services.
Online retailers gain additional insights into ways to improve their business through interactive communication. Entrepreneurs who have added "live chat" to their online store have experienced a significant increase in sales. During a chat, they can get to know their customers and their usage patterns better, and based on the information obtained, they can improve the user experience, especially the sales process or the store's offerings.
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My name is Anže, and I am a Magento certified expert in solutions and a creator of multiple award-winning online stores.
I am the architect behind all Degriz projects. You will surely come across me if we collaborate. Even though the phone keeps ringing, you can always tap me on the shoulder if you need advice regarding online stores and their functioning.
I specialize in building custom online stores and I am a master of unique techniques to enhance conversion on your website.