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Price comparison aggregators are portals where products from various online stores are displayed for the purpose of comparing information, primarily focusing on comparing prices among different online retailers.
Portals operate by importing products from various online stores through different import programs, typically utilizing XML files. The provider prepares a file with their products, which aggregator systems process and place on the portal. Visitors then have the option to browse the portal, compare various providers for the searched items, and view offers from different online stores, along with their satisfaction ratings. Additional information such as delivery costs, payment methods, etc., may also be displayed. The visitor can then choose an offer and, through a link, visit the website of the selected provider.
Affiliate marketing portals usually charge online providers for visits or clicks on the link. Payment can be based on visits, featured offers, or a combination of these.
For providers, placement on such portals is beneficial as it can attract additional visitors looking for attractive deals. Simultaneously, it fosters competition among providers for the best offer, potentially reducing the selling price or profit margin of the item.
Here are some of the most prominent global price comparison aggregators:
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